Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I had a vivid dream the other night and an old friend of mine was in it. About 6 years ago, for about a year, we were really close. We hung out and ate winegums, listened to hip hop, ordered pancakes at Dennys at 4 in the morning and were generally on the same wavelength. Lots of time has passed now and we lost touch, I hadn't thought about him for ages but it's funny how the brain can throw memories up at you when you least expect it. It made me feel all sorts of nostalgic about that time in my life and also made me think about other friends I have let go to the forces of distance and changes in circumstance and time.

I guess it's one of those things that happens as you get older, you have the distance to look back and remember - and the knowledge that good memories are a great thing - but you can never go back.

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